


This is a sample e-com store for clothing developed using Flask for the backend, Postgres for the database, and HTML, CSS & JavaScript for the frontend.


This webapp allows users to order clothes. The webapp allows users to register themselves so as to create a separate account for each user.


Once a user is logged in they can go through the several clothing items that are present on the website being populated dynamically and can add as many items to their cart as they want.


Once they have added the items to the cart, as usual, e-com sites, they can proceed to checkout.


On the checkout page, the user is prompted to enter their email address on which a confirmation mail will be sent, confirming the order.


The user is also prompted to enter a promo code (if any) that will allow them an extra 5% discount. The promo codes that are available are (“CS50”, “DAVID”, “BRIAN”). After which pressing the “Place Order” button will confirm the order and send a confirmation email too!


Other than this the user can check their previous orders in the “My Orders” button in the dropdown menu at the top right corner where a greeting to the logged-in user can also be seen. Under the My Orders menu, user can see all their previous successful orders.


Under the dropdown menu, there is also an option to check the user profile by the name “My Profile” where the user can change their username or password and can also set their shipping address. The other option that the users will be under the dropdown menu is “My Cart” where they’ll see all the items present in the cart. The last option under the dropdown menu is the logout button, which simply does what it says, i.e., logs the user out.


The user can also view the “About Us” page where some details about the Samplestore company are provided.

There is also a homepage with some fancy carousels and a new arrivals section that will redirect the user to the store section.